I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack for Year FOUR of Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas (click on banner above). I seriously find it hard to believe I am doing it for the fourth time, how fast time flies. For those that are new to JYC, I suggest doing it digi and/or preparing your background pages ahead of time so that you are ready to go each day. I've so heard many people say that they fell behind and never finished. I did mine digi, and always finished. I printed mine at home on a standard printer, either 8"x8" or 4"x6" . This year, I am trying something new.
My album is FINISHED..
I just have to journal.
And embellish if I wish.
I finished it at the beginning of November.
We'll see. I am committed to finishing it again for the fourth time in a row!!!
This is going to be so much fun!!!
Are you ready?

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